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picazon en la vulva

Picazón y flujo vaginal en mujeres adultas y adolescentes
Picazón y flujo vaginal en mujeres adultas y adolescentes
Vaginal flux in adult and adolescent women It refers to secretions from the and can be: The itching of the skin of the vagina and the surrounding area (vulva) can be presented along with the vaginal flow. It can also occur spontaneously. CausesThe glands in the cervix and the walls of the vagina usually produce transparent mucus. This is very common in women of reproductive age. The following factors can increase the normal amount of vaginal discharge: Different types of infections can cause itching or abnormal flow in the vagina. The abnormal flow refers to a color (coffee, green) and abnormal smell. It is associated with itching and irritation. These include: Other causes of vaginal flow and itching may be: Less common causes include: Home Care Keep the genital area clean and dry when vaginitis. A consists of seeking help from your healthcare provider for the best treatment. Avoid vaginal showers. Many women feel cleaner if they use vaginal showers, but this actually gets worse because it eliminates healthy bacteria that coat the vagina. These bacteria help protect against an infection. Other tips include: Let more air reach the genital area. You can do this: Girls and women should also: Always practice safe sex. Use condoms to avoid contracting or transmitting infections. When to Contact a Professional Doctor Call your provider right away if: Changes that might indicate a problem such as an infection include: What can be expected in your doctor's office Your provider: Tests that are performed are: Treatment depends on the cause of symptoms. Alternative Names Vaginal secretion; Piccazón - Vaginal area; Vulvar pruritusImagesReferences Gardella C, Eckert LO, Lentz GM. Genital tract infections: vulva, vagina, cervix, toxic shock syndrome, endometritis and salpingitis. In: RA Wolf, Gershenson DM, Lentz GM, Valea FA, eds. Integral gynaecology. 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2017:chap 23.Schrager SB, Paladine HL, Cadwallader K. Gynecology. In: Rakel RE, Rakel DP, eds. Textbook of Family Medicine. Ninth Ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2016:cap 25.Scott GR. Sexually transmitted infections. In: Ralston SH, Penman ID, Strachan MWJ, Hobson RP, eds. Principles and Practices of Medicine of Davidson. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2018:chap 13.Seller RH, Symons AB. Vaginal secretion and itching. In: Seller RH, Symons AB, eds. Differential diagnosis of common complaints. 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2018:chap 33.Last revision 6/30/2019 English version by: John D. Jacobson, MD, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, School of Medicine of the University of Loma Linda, Fertility Center of Loma Linda, CA. It was also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director and A.D.A.M. Editorial team. Translation and performed by: DrTango, Inc. also known as the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission (www.urac.org). URAC is an independent audit committee to verify that A.D.A.M. meets rigorous standards of quality and integrity. A.D.A.M. is one of the first companies to achieve this very important distinction in health services on the network. Learn more about , and A.D.A.M. A.D.A.M. is also one of the founding members of the Ethics Board of Health on the Internet (Health Internet Ethics, or Hi-Ethics) and complies with the principles of the Health Foundation on the Net (Health on the Net Foundation: www.hon.ch). The information contained here should not be used during any medical emergency, or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A doctor with a license must be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of each and every medical condition. In case of a medical emergency, call 911. Links to other sites are provided only for information purposes, it does not mean that they are approved. © 1997-2021 A.D.A.M., Inc. Duplication for commercial use must be authorized in writing by ADAM Health Solutions.

Bacterial Vaginosis » » Bacterial Vaginosis What is bacterial vaginosis? Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a disbacteriosis, that is, an alteration of the balance of the microorganisms of the vagina. It is not considered an infection proper, but a endogenous pathology, due to the over-growth of bacteria that are usually found in very small amounts in this medium. Role of Lactobacillus and coconutal flora To produce bacterial vaginosis, the number of lactobacillus, which are the dominant bacteria in normal conditions, has to have been reduced. They are an important defense mechanism, especially because they produce, among other substances, lactic acid, which keeps acid faith in the middle, which prevents the over-growth of the rest of the bacteria. It also produces hydrogen peroxide, which makes the growth of anaerobs unviable. The coconut flora or coconutbacilar flora is made up of coconutid bacteria (Peptostreptococcus spp, Strectococcus spp, Veillonella spp) that come from the intestinal flora and contaminate the vaginal flora. Lactobacillus and coconide flora coexist in balance normally. Without the defenses of Lactibacillus, other bacteria grow more easily, appearing a vaginal flow dominated by Gadnerella vaginalis and other anaerobics: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is one of the most common infectious pathologies in the vagina of sexually active women. It is not considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI), but it is epidemiologically related to the first sexual encounters of a heterosexual couple and existence every day more studies than the association of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis The most common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are: Sometimes only this smell is appreciated after sexual intercourse, since semen has a different (basic) pH and when coupled with the vaginal discharge amines are caused. It is not common for irritation, so it may occur without other symptoms such as itching or vulvo-vaginal scozor. This aspect, as well as the odor in the flow, differentiate it from other vaginal infections, which usually produce more symptoms. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is itself a benign process, but more and more strongly it is being related to pathological complications in gynecology and obstetrics. It has been seen that it may be a risk factor for: All this has been consensual that treatment may not be prescribed in asymptomatic patients (those in which the diagnosis has been made occasionally by analyzing the flow in the laboratory and presenting no complaints), but that there are some women in which it is necessary to treat bacterial vaginosis: Treatment of bacterial vaginosis with antibiotics. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV) is done with specific antibiotics, with good results: However, the use of antibiotics is also harmful to vaginal lactobaciles, which have to repopulate the environment to prevent vaginosis from occurring again. That is why it is recommended to use , which contain lactobaciles capable of colonizing the vaginal flora and improving their defenses. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is one of the most recurring conditions, as up to 80% of the cases appear to be a new episode after the complete healing of the first. This recurrence entails excessive use of antibiotics, which can generate resistance and also make it difficult to recolonize the vagina by lactobaciles. It enters this way into a vicious circle of acute paintings, treatments and recidatives. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis with probiotics It has been shown in multiple studies that it is capable of improving the healing of antibiotics, as well as of reducing the risk of recurrent pictures. It is recommended to administer probiotics 2-3 days after the specific antibiotic treatment, for several days (5-20, depending on the path that is reproduced). In addition, supplementation will be repeated during the same days a month, up to several months after treatment. When the pictures are very recurring it is accepted that the sexual partner should also be treated. Dr. Ana Rosa JuradoLast tickets by Dra. Ana Rosa Jurado () 48 comments in "Bacterial Vaginosis"beatrizme would like to know that I can use or take xa the picor that I get in the vaginal area, I have no other symptoms, only itching especially when I am lying down. The use of probiotics is recommended to restore the expected well-being. Consult with your doctor. They're the people who can best advise you. MartaHello I would like to know if vaginitis is related to bacterial vaginosis and if that probiotic would go well to treat it, thank you very much! Hi, Marta! Bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis occur when there is an imbalance of the vaginal microbiota. In both cases the recommendation will be to recover this balance, therefore it would be highly recommended to use probiotics, in this case Lactoflora coincides to recover the vaginal well-being. Greetings AnnaHello Ana Rosa, are there any time limit to be able to take probiotics? are they safe for long-term treatment?I don't want to have to do more rounds of antibiotics. Thank you so much for the article, I have to strengthen the vaginal flora with probiotics with lactobacillus.Thanks to the article, I have already made it clear. I'm one of those women who have suffered vaginosis over and over again every time..and I start to think that he abused the treatment with antibiotics. I'll try the lactobacillus CarolinaHello on the recommendation of my doctor I started to supplement these probiotics, see if I get to end the vaginosis once... Marisa O.I am prone to bacterial vaginiosis and I have spent half-life taking antibiotics. I hope with the supplementation with probiotics I can forget about it forever! Julia Thank you for this full article. I have suffered vaginosis on several occasions, especially after a period of stress, and although antibiotics have been effective, I think it is a good idea to take probiotics to prevent it from coming back and improving my vaginal flora naturally. MercèVery interesting, thank you. Angelica During the pregnancy he had bacterial vaginiosis on a couple of occasions and treated me with eggs, for the risk of abortion or premature birth. My gine tmb recommended me probiotics and I was very good. marielaun very complete article many thanks Susana Hi I used probiotics to treat vaginosis during pregnancy and it was the best decision, so I didn't have to risk antibiotics. all with medical control Angelica Hello good afternoon and gone to the xq gynecologist and had flow as elastic rekes itchy I have a burning itch my vagina's lips swell and x inside put a red color no longer than to make me depress so much medications give me that nothing helps me to turn this which I have please help me. Hello Angelica! For any imbalance in the vaginal microbiota, protective Lactoflora taken at least for 3 months, can help restore balance in the area and help to regain comfort. If you need additional information there are no types to consult us. Greetings! I suffer vaginosis quite often and the truth is that it is a roll. I'll try this lactobacillus to see if the problem solves me. Thank you. Meri Hernandezalguien has tried to put it directly down there? it seems a grunt but what he read in several places because they carry the same bacteria in the jajaj vagina if I'm a little far away already, he doesn't know or tell me or prescribe the doctor.... Hello Meri! To regain the balance of our microbiota it is important that we remove products with specific strains and doses with scientific evidence. Associated protective lactoflora will help you regain the balance of the vaginal microbiota. If you need additional information there are no types to consult us. Sandra, can you buy that at any pharmacy? Thank you! That's right, you can find the nearest one in our pharmacy search: Sandraprfff in my first pregnancy had no problem but in the second... In the end, my gine gave me probiotics, and I didn't show up again, but until we got this solution... so the probiotics work, at least me! HersayGood friend. What a treatment for how long and that priobiotics I hold you for vaginosisJe.nn Hi 2 days ago they put the first birth control injection and it's dropping a white secretion, which I can take? And this will make the effect of the injection come down or stay? Hello! Associated protective lactoflora will help you regain the balance of the vaginal microbiota. If you need additional information there are no types to consult us. Greetings! HersayGood for years I have been suffering from a bad smell of yellow secretions vaginal itching. And the smell gets stronger after I have sex with my partner. What should I do, what treatment should I use and for how long? Please help me There are many situations that can cause imbalances and discomfort in the intimate area. Vaginal microbiota in balance, has an acid PH, menstruation, semen deposits, are a basic PH and can produce changes in mucosa. If PH change occurs, opportunism can be produced by certain pathogens. Protective lactoflora will help us improve comfort, recovering comfort when there is an imbalance. Two capsules per day are recommended for ten days and if there are recurrences, continue with one capsule per day for at least two or three months. Vig I have a strong vaginal smell, like fish, I have for eight years only a couple and I have already had to do, because it gives me pen with my husband.. by the current quarantine they hardly attend the Consultants. What can I do at home? Urgent needs your help. There are many situations that can cause imbalances and discomfort in the intimate area such as contraceptives, stress, food changes, among others. In cases of punctual discomfort, Lactoflora Protector interim, a capsule a day for twenty days, will help us improve the comfort caused. When there is an imbalance, we recommend taking two capsules a day for ten days and if there are recurrences, continue with a capsule a day for at least two or three months. LetyThe 2 capsules of lactoflora protective intimate in the food are taken ? The two joints? May I say? Good morning, they can be taken together or separated, like your favorites, always separated two hours from the antibiotic taking and preferably after a main meal. I have taken a sin of antibiotics themselves that have originated aunt vaginal infection after others without ever ending, they have already prescribed me latobacilles but neither has he managed to control that vaginosis ,. A little doubt vaginosis can be treated with lactobacillus Bacterial vaginosis is also an imbalance of the vaginal microbiota, and the regular use of probiotics has a positive effect in these cases. GeraldinHi, can I use metronidazol and lactoflora at the same time? Good morning, Lactoflora is compatible with any medication locally or by mouth except for antibiotics. With the taking of antibiotics it is recommended to separate 2 hours between probiotics and antibiotics. Rosy I'm gold. Everyone somehow makes me feel good because I eat them I have this problem already a month and this is my 4 treatment can not be removed I am going forward the smell is uncomfortable convenient of the garment I eh put vinegar diluted in water with a syringe and nothing like I can fight this thanks Vaginal infections are often re-inserted. There are many situations that can cause imbalances and discomfort in the intimate area such as contraceptives, stress, food changes, among others. Apart from proper intimate hygiene, use intimate cotton clothing and avoid using very tight clothing taking oral probiotics such as Lactoflora external protector is helping in the treatment. When there is an imbalance or infection, we recommend taking two capsules a day for ten days and if there are recurrences, continue with a capsule a day for at least two or three months. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked with *Comment Name * Email * Website Save my name, email and web in this browser for the next time I coly. CategoriesRecent albums Recent Reviews Lactoflora® Lactoflora Lactoflora Lactobacillus-based food supplements. Food Complement Surveillance ContactRecent entry Frederic Mompou 5 08960 Sant Just Desvern (Barcelona) Join our newsletter! CLASS BASSIC INFORMATION FORMULAR CONTACT RESPONSIBLE TREATMENT: STADA LABORATORY, S.L.U. FINALITY: Attend the application of the user LEGITIMATION: Consent of the interested party. CESIONS: No assignments are foreseen except for legal obligation or judicial requirement. Rights: Access, rectification, rupture, opposition, limitation, portability, revocation of consent. 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